Virtual Care Telehealth App
Provider Desktop and native apps for doctors, nurses and staff to diagnosis patients with asynchronous and synchronous visits
Providers are already burdened by a heavy clinical schedule and tedious EHR entries. They don’t need another telehealth platform that requires time-consuming consultations. They need technology that eases their workload by collecting symptoms so they can make a diagnosis and recommend treatment quickly. They can treat a patient virtually in as little as two minutes without extra data entry and feel less burdened by workload, while still providing quality care.
Telemedicine isn’t limited to synchronous (video, phone, chat) visits. Asynchronous intelligent interviews have become the new model of care delivery. The asynchronous capability enables a connected care experience for patients, and streamlines the treatment process for providers.
Understand the needs, expectations, and mental models of those providers most likely to join DocSquad Teams. Aka "Virtual Moonlighters"
Identify user requirements for onboarding independent providers to DocSquad Teams.
Research Questions
Why do moonlighters to seek supplementary work, and what were their expectations?
What are virtual moonlighter expectations around virtual care platforms?
What has the onboarding experience been like for other virtual care platforms?
Does the DocSquad Digital Diagnosis resonate with virtual moonlighter needs and expectations?
What were they seeking by trying something new? What were they seeking to get away from in their day jobs?
Providers face challenges with scheduling, patient compliance, patient data quality, and of course dealing with insurance companies.
Themes emerge around the corporatization of clinical work - feeling like a cog in a machine, or a commodity.
Missing some of the respect and reputation that appealed to them before going into medicine.
These participants are not just frustrated with the pressures that come from macroeconomic changes to the industry. They are missing out on the parts of the work that give it meaning -
We heard examples of work feeling monotonous, repetitive. Of doctors and nurses looking to please just not have to spend another day at the hospital/nursing home/clinic, and yes, to work from home from their couches on Fridays.
Rebuilt the desktop only Zipnosis app into a desktop and native mobile app using flutter, creating a better User Experience and building a design system with updated UI and flows.
The current targent audience is urgent care visits and prescription refills. We conducted a lot of user testing around individual providers who are wanting to work remote and easily pick up visits on the side (Virtual Moonlighters).
Patient Experience
Patient logs in to their patient portal and goes to get care, where they can choose the visit modality (asynch, phone, chat, video) and begin a secure digital interview with their symptoms and medical history. Once submitted, the visit goes to the provider portal, where a doctor can pick the visit up and make a diagnosis or refer out.
Icon Illustrations
Icon illustrations for Docsquad Provide/Consumer Apps and Marketing. Designed in illustrator.